Save time and money by paying online using our secure payment server. Have credit card handy.
Please enroll no more than four (4) at a time (main contact + three guests, max). If you need to enroll more than four, proceed to check-out, then after paying for the first team, begin new enrollment session.
Quicksilver Golf Club rules require the use of soft spikes only with an enforced dress code of a collared shirt, no tennis shorts or blue jeans and no tube tops for women.
If the names of your guest golfers are not yet known, enter TBD (to be determined) in the fields for Guest First and Last names. The module will not let you proceed without either the Guest's name, or the TBD entered in both fields. You will then need to provide Eddie Gonzales with the names of your golfers no later than June 5 by Emailing Eddie Gonzales.
If you need a printed invoice, click the orange Invoice link on the enrollment confirmation page.
Mulligans: Limit of two per golfer. If enrolling a team, select total per team (not player).
Two golfers, two mulligans each = 4 mulligans ($20)
Three golfers, one mulligan each = 3 mulligans ($15)
Four golfers, two mulligans each = 8 mulligans. ($40)
If you're ready to begin the registration process, click HERE.